A Good Weekly Planner For Someone Else May Not Mean Good For You

When it comes to planning, there is no right or wrong way. Your planner system should be a tool that works for you and your life, not the other way around. So, whether you use an old-school paper planner or an app on your phone, as long as it keeps you organized and helps you achieve your goals, it’s a good planner!

paper planners

The Style And Substance Of Paper Planners

Paper planners are great for people who like to write things down. They’re portable and can be used anywhere to carry them in your bag or pocket. They’re also easy to use—pick up a pen, open a planner and start writing! You can find paper planners anywhere: there are many styles and sizes available at any store or online marketplace.

Paper planners are cheap, environmentally friendly, and customizable—you can draw dots on the pages if that helps you stay organized! If you want something a little fancier, plenty of designs with cute covers keep track of important information, such as birthdays or anniversaries.

As an added bonus, writing things down on paper helps you remember them better.  Really. The people that study these things have proven that writing it down on paper, vs using a tablet, pc or phone, will make the facts stick in your mind better.


Why? Because it is likely providing more details that can then trigger a memory. The it is not the even the details you write that helps. It seems to be the details as you physically write it that gives your brain q unique spatial and tactile data related to the whole experience. The more you can combine sight, sound, touch and even smell, the better you will remember. The process of putting pen to paper seems to check enough boxes to make it the most superior method.

google calendars

The Convenience Of Google Calendars

Google Calendars are a great way to keep track of your schedule. They’re easy to use, accessible wherever you need, and free. You can set up as many as you want (or don’t want) and share them with others. And if you’re wondering, you can make custom calendars too!

These are great tools that give you access to your data inside and outside the office and can be an incredibly useful tool in your daily organization process.


Plus they are backed up by the support team of a huge corporation so they are never likely to be offline for long. 

DIY Planner systems For Flexibility

Now, let’s take a look at how to make your planner system.

A key part of any good weekly planner is the layout and structure. To begin, think about what you want to include in your planner. Do you have specific tasks that need checking off every week? Is a recurring task or appointment coming up more than once weekly? If so, make space for it! When I worked at an office job in high school, I had my most important appointments written down on a piece of paper that I kept in my backpack—this made it easy for me to see when my classes were scheduled and where I needed to be planning-wise (and also made being late for class much less likely).

Once you’ve figured out what needs to go into your new timekeeping system, pick an item from this list:

·   Hardcover notebook (paperback is too flimsy)

·   Three-ring binders (you can use two three-ring binders if one isn’t enough)


·   A wall calendar (that way, you don’t have to carry it around everywhere)

planner app

The Planner App Solution

There’s an app for that. There seems to be an app for everything.  The problem is many are ill conceived and non-supported. Convenience is often offset by frustration with many of the apps out there.

·   Pros of the planner app

·   Cons of the planner app.

So, the biggest pros and cons of using a planner that comes with an app are:


Convenience of having your data in your phone


Dependent on Wi-Fi

Makes you more tethered to an electronic leash

Can make it hard to disconnect from work even during leisure hours


Reliant on customer support

The best apps are usually paid. Which means you have an ongoing expense just to stay organized. While the expense may be worthwhile, depending on your lifestyle, the app approach can lead to frustrations,  even when you pay for services. 

Overall, the planner app has more downsides than upsides.

Planners For Special Purposes

It’s no secret that there are planners for every occasion, from planning a party to planning your wedding. Many planners even have specialized versions of themselves—for instance, there are planners specifically tailored to teacher planner, wedding planners, project planner, family planner or business planner specific versions.


In the same vein as this idea of special-purpose planners, you can also find planners focused on a specific purpose related to only a small segment of your life. Examples: meal planning and budgeting, productivity tracking and goal setting, self-care practices (like meditation or journaling), or even taking care of children. If you’re looking for something like meal planning or goal setting, then there’s probably a planner out there that will be perfect for what you need no matter how big or how small!

A Good Weekly Planner Is The One That Meets Your Needs!

A good weekly planner is the one that meets your needs!

What are your needs? How do you know what they are? How can you tell if a planner meets those needs? And what are the benefits of having a good planner? To answer these questions, you will need to evaluate what you want to accomplish with your planner.

Ideally, your planner system will be flexible enough to grow with you so I would recommend starting with your biggest goal. It’s kind of like that old joke:

Q: How do you eat an elephant?

A: One bite at a time

The ideal planner will let you tackle your largest goal efficiently by giving you tools to meet each task until its done.


If you’re looking for a new planner, the best thing to do is try a few different options and see what works for you. The most important thing is to choose something that will help you stay on track and keep your life organized for the long haul.

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